Merton Dog Watch Live 2025
A Family Day Out for you and your Dog
Welcome to Merton Dog Watch 2025. We do hope you all come and join us and have a fantastic day.
Merton Dog Watch has now become the biggest canine event and awareness day in Merton, and once again we thank our advertisers and stallholders that have all supported the event.
Again, we have lots of fun things for all the dogs and other members of the family including Fun Dog Show, Scurry Run, Temptation Alley, Assault Course and Dog Fly Ball Racing.
Merton Dog Watch is a non-profit event organised by volunteers, from Merton Charity Events, that also organise The Morden Family Funday and Morden Easter Egg Hunt. At the last four events we have donated over £1500.00 to various Local, Canine and Animal Charities such as GARBO’s and Surrey Wildlife.
Please feel free to support and donate to your favourite charity or perhaps all of them. All the profits for the day will be going to charity.
Meanwhile, we would like to thank all the volunteers that help to make this a wonderful day.
This years Merton Dog Watch Live takes place on Saturday 24th May 2025
10am to 5pm!
Closed for online registration but you can still register on Saturday for £3.00 per category.
Registrations now closed for 2024.
What’s on this year!
Coming Soon!