We are the Merton and Morden Guild
The Merton and Morden Guild have been working with older people in Merton for more than 60 years.
We have a weekly programme that offers something different every day.
Drop in for a coffee and a chat, take part in a game of bingo, or join us on the minibus for a trip.
There are plenty of friendly faces ready to welcome you. And we’re happy to use any excuse to celebrate with a special lunch
Read our latest newsletter which includes a run down of our activities and visit our Facebook page to see what we've been up to recently and don't forget to like and subscribe to our page: https://www.facebook.com/mandmguild
Give us a call on 0208 640 1640 or get in touch by email on mandmguild@aol.com
We're also on the Merton directory: Local Directories | Activities and leisure
Download Issue 1 of our newsletter here