A special thank you to everyone!

Here’s where we would like to thank all the organiser’s in previous years and volunteers on the day, hopefully no one has been missed out!:

Alex Vincent

All our ‘Gate Keepers’!

Anjela Winston

Claire Langley

Conor Fanning

Dave James

David Poynter

Francis McParland

Hamish Duncan, Brian and Max

Ian Reynolds


James Girvan and family

James McCall

Jim Sinclair

Jimmy and Alet Ferriera

John de Ronde

John Harris

Kathryn Butcher

Katie Radford

Lisa Thompson (pictured right)

Liz Sherwood and MPPFA

Margaret Sinclair

Merton Council

Morden Little League Bar team.

Nigel Blackwell


Ryan Curtis

Shelley Morgan and family

The Clean-up Team: Old Ruts

The Rotary Club Morden